To tell you a little bit about me, I am passionate about worshiping Jesus.  That’s where I want to be, in His presence.  I love being there, leading others there, teaching others about worship so they understand more about worship and can then experience Jesus more. Worship is an integral part of any church, and I have been gifted and called to serve in this area.

Along with being a musician, author, graphic artist and producer, I have also been a full-time Worship Arts Pastor for 15 years in churches across the nation.  God has been so faithful and given me opportunities to lead fantastic churches in Chicago, IL / Athens, GA / Freeport, IL / Brazoria, TX / and Massillon, OH.  I’ve lead worship teams as small as 2-3 people and as large as 50-60, including a choir and orchestra for churches with average attendance of 60 all the way up to 4,000.  Each church has its own unique identity in which God has called them to live.  With my extensive experience and knowledge in application, my desire is to serve each church and help them efficiently grow more into that calling and identity.  This is done through a variety of methods including team building, creative planning, upgrading equipment for future growth, developing a concise vision, and most importantly prayer.

I have had held several positions to lead incredible worship teams with gifted artists and skilled musicians.  These opportunities along with my passion to see the CHURCH grow as a whole has given me direction in helping every church I can to impact the world, to help the lost find Jesus.

I know God has a purpose for you and your church.  I pray that together we will discover more of what God has in store and witness greater things to come!

– Ken