I once heard it said that the hope of the world was the local church.  As wonderful as that sounds, and how it fills me with desire to see the local church grow, a passion was birthed into my heart with the question, "who will help the local church?"

We have been given a charge by Jesus Christ, Mark 16:15 "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation."

As we reach the lost, taking the good news with us, we must be willing to meet people where they are.  We are all in process and none of us are at the same position spiritually as another.  My desire is to present this good news of God's saving grace in an artistic and thoughtful manner reflective of our Lord and Saviour, the full embodiment of creativity.

Together by sharing resources / training teams / providing encouragement and instruction to both leaders and the lost in how to connect with God in everything we do, the entire world will forever be changed.

Imagine a world where every person you meet understands how to connect with the Living God on a daily basis...

I want to see God's presence fall like a Downpour!

~ Ken Jansen

Founder of Downpour International